Monday, August 21, 2006

London bombings.

So, lets get this into perspective.
Let's assume that Loose Change is giving a more true account of what happened. What if the US authorities were responsible and had orchestrated the whole thing for money. They could benefit from controlling more oil at this time when the reserves are starting to fail; and they could control the heroin production of Afghanistan - both being worth absurd amounts of money.
As the fossil fuels run out, the super powers will charge more and more for them and be more willing to use desperate measures to get more. And what about the water crisis that we are regularly being warned about?! One thing's for sure, it's going to get messy.

Anyway, so let's assume that the US government were responsible for 9/11. What does that mean for the 7/7 bombings in London?
These attacks, 3 bombs on tube trains and 1 on a London bus were seen as London's turn.
But who was responsible for them? The UK government? If not, London was in fact the first 'real' Bush related terror attack.

Here's an interesting video on the subject:

One of the main pieces of evidence in this documentary is something that I had heard before. Apparently eye witness accounts suggest that there were no 'suicide bombers'. In fact it would seem that a device was planted underneath the train.
It is also interesting that the 'would be' bombers would have struggled to make it to their different destinations in time with their train running late.

So, perhaps this too was orchestrated by the government? But this time in the UK.
And all to make us afraid; To make us feel reliant on the government; To help force through legislation on ID cards; And to justify the actions of our military in Afghanistan and Iraq.

What happened to the men who were accused of attempting to blow up a further 3 tubes and a bus just 2 weeks later?
I can't seem to find any information on their conviction, just lots of year old articles about their arrest.

I had the bad luck to get caught up in the latest British terrorist scare a couple of weeks ago.

After being tipped off and arresting most if not all of the suspects, there was a worry that planes flying to the US were to be targetted with explosive devices.
As a result, all flights (not just the ones heading to the US) were grounded and various hand-luggage restrictions were put into place.

So a group of terrorists wanting to cause mass destruction, decided to try to smuggle explosives aboard the form of transport with the tightest security.
And to use planes once more? Surely the terrorists would be more original? The train bombings in Madrid were devastatingly effective, so surely even that would have been a better option?

It's strange, but it just makes me wonder whether they were ever going to happen, or whether they were in fact just more 'scares' created by the government to keep us in line. After all, our society is spiralling out of control with increases in crime and disorder. Religion isn't keeping people in place anymore, so perhaps these moral panics are all that the government can use to retain some control?

9/11 part 2.

So, watched Loose Change? What did you think?

For me, it finally gave some kind of evidence to the claims that have been rife since the whole incident happened.
It was always obvious that the reasons behind it all were far more complex than we had thought. The idea that the US orchestrated the whole thing themselves makes perfect sense.

One of the most interesting pieces of evidence that this documetary presents is the fact that most, if not all of the supposed 'hijackers' are alive, well and innocent.

Perhaps there were fewer hijackers than previously thought? In that case, could two or three men really take control of a plane?

If the planes really did crash, then who the hell was on them? If the passengers were removed from the plane as the documentary suggests, where are they now? They must be alive and well somewhere. Brainwashed perhaps? And oblivious to the fact that they were involved in the whole thing.
If only one of those passengers could come forward, surely the truth would be exposed?
The phone conversations were definately very suspicious.

With all of the information, the most suspicious thing of all has been the reluctance by the US authorities to release the information. Something that certainly makes them seem involved.

Typical! More 9/11 theories!

Well, no conspiracy blog would be complete without mentioning the events of 9/11. The supposed 'terrorist' attack on the twin towers in New York have been the cause of many theories and counter-theories.

Before any in-depth discussion of this particular subject, I feel that it's important to watch the documentary named 'Loose Change' (link:

The film has been criticised heavily on the net, as any decent conspiracy film should be. However, I feel that it asks some interesting questions and is definitely food for thought.

Check it out, and I will be providing my opinions in the next post.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Onward with the conspiracies.

Right, now for the conspiracy talk.

I will be posting all sorts of stories, observations and theories and they will be related to conspiracies in one way or another.

Myself and my close friends are always seeking truth. We love to look at the world from unconventional perspectives and look at other possible realities.

I usually come up with the really far-fetched theories as I'm of the belief that you shouldn't do things by halves. A good example is the argument that I usually come back to if someone tries to argue with one of my ideas.

How can we ever truly know what is real and what is not? Reality is but a state of mind.
Even our perception of planet earth is but a collection of images and notions that have been implanted in our minds by others.
Who is to say that the world is round? Who is to say that we're really on a globe floating in an endless vacuum known as 'space'? Unless you can get into a space shuttle and really see this with your own eyes, all that you will ever know is what other people tell you. And as we all know from playing chinese whispers - information becomes distorted as it travels from person to person.
How true are those facts that were passed onto you by your school teacher; who was told them by their mentor; who read them in a book written by someone else; who found facts written by someone else... etc.

To experience things yourself is the only way to know for sure...

My first post.

Well, I finally did it. After ages of wanting to put some of my ideas into writing, I have made that move and started my own blog.
Petrified by the prospect of failure, I was reluctant until now. There's nothing worse than a web-site that people don't keep up-to-date.
I can only hope that I keep this creation active with lots of new content at regular intervals.

When my dad died, I found a couple of diaries that he had written. I was amazed at how much the words meant to me, and thought "I'll have to do that myself".
However, diaries are dangerous. It's always hard to know what you should or shouldn't write. They can be lost or destroyed easily, and besides, my writing is crap. An e-journal or blog is a much better idea.

During my education, I was always restricted in what I could write. My tutors were always saying that I couldn't make claims and observations unless I referred to other authors with a reputation - just to justify my thoughts. I hated this, and thus decided to start writing (sometimes flawed, but interesting) stories that are far more creative and free from over-influence.

Who knows, maybe one day kids of mine will read this and enjoy these words as much as I did with my dad's diaries.

Konspiracy Blog

Konspiracy Blog